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Roland TD-17 | New Release | Electronic Drum Kit

Roland TD-17 | New Release | Electronic Drum Kit

When a new Roland product is released, I often approach it with some trepidation as I always question how they can continually approve their product. My concerns were quashed as soon as I sat behind the TD17. The TD11 certainly held it’s own and had been a core product in the Roland roster for years, but with other releases from other brands coming out, it started to feel a little dated.

So, whats improved? I’m going to pick 3 core things which have made the TD17 series a must buy!

The Pads. There is a 12’’ snare pad on the 17 range. This means an amazing surface area, great feel and it certainly improves the general playability. The cross stick function has vastly improved from it’s predeccesor. The new KD-10 kick pad has seemingly only slightly changed from the KD-9 pad but I have to say the feel and reaction from the pad compared with the KD9 is absolutely amazing!

I've always felt the TD11 range needed a version with a free standing hi-hat stand and VH11/VH12. This hadn’t happened; mainly, i’d imagine, due to price point. With this in mind it seems Roland have compromised and released this kit with a VH10 10’’ hi hat pad, which makes all the difference!

Lastly and quite simply, the preset sounds! Every kit that is released always improves. Great range of kits and of course the ability to change all sounds from each pad and make it your own. Personal favourites of mine include, Kit 2 which is a rock sounding kit and kit number 36 which is west coast, love the snare sound!!

Finally, this video will give you more of an idea of the in’s and outs and the sound of the TD17 range and goes through the kit in more depth.

Come into the store and check them out!

Fair Deal Music

Drum Team.

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